Monday, November 22, 2010


I am such a proud Mom!! Famke passed the CGC/TDI test yesterday morning. She did very well on the test and the only part of the test I was a little concerned about was the "leave it" portion for the TDI test. The dog has the walk within 3 feet of food on the floor and not try to eat the food. Famke is a food spaniel and lives to eat! She watched as the evaluator's helper put the food on the floor and I immediately thought "uh-oh". Luckily when I gave her a firm "leave it" by the food she did. Phew!

Proud of my little girl dog!!

Lots of fun new stuff!

I've been a terrible blogger again! Poor Famke is the second child and is already getting less "press" than her brother. LOL Since I posted last we were trying to survive Famke's first heat and we all made it through unscathed. Falkor became a little unhinged once Famke was in standing heat. He was obsessed with her and that wasn't much fun for anyone. Luckily once the heat was over everything went back to normal and now they are best buds again.

Famke and I are in our second session of intermediate obedience and having a blast! I am really lucky because Famke has some super attention while heeling. I can't take ANY credit for it at all she just seems to do it naturally. Obviously we are just at the very beginning but we are having so much fun.

We do need to work REALLY hard on nice, tight sits. Famke tends to sit sloppy so we are working hard on that. She is so smart so I'm sure she will catch on quickly.

We also starting taking agility classes at the club. What a blast!! I think she will be a fun lil agility dog as well. She seems to especially love the tunnel and chute.
