Monday, November 22, 2010


I am such a proud Mom!! Famke passed the CGC/TDI test yesterday morning. She did very well on the test and the only part of the test I was a little concerned about was the "leave it" portion for the TDI test. The dog has the walk within 3 feet of food on the floor and not try to eat the food. Famke is a food spaniel and lives to eat! She watched as the evaluator's helper put the food on the floor and I immediately thought "uh-oh". Luckily when I gave her a firm "leave it" by the food she did. Phew!

Proud of my little girl dog!!

Lots of fun new stuff!

I've been a terrible blogger again! Poor Famke is the second child and is already getting less "press" than her brother. LOL Since I posted last we were trying to survive Famke's first heat and we all made it through unscathed. Falkor became a little unhinged once Famke was in standing heat. He was obsessed with her and that wasn't much fun for anyone. Luckily once the heat was over everything went back to normal and now they are best buds again.

Famke and I are in our second session of intermediate obedience and having a blast! I am really lucky because Famke has some super attention while heeling. I can't take ANY credit for it at all she just seems to do it naturally. Obviously we are just at the very beginning but we are having so much fun.

We do need to work REALLY hard on nice, tight sits. Famke tends to sit sloppy so we are working hard on that. She is so smart so I'm sure she will catch on quickly.

We also starting taking agility classes at the club. What a blast!! I think she will be a fun lil agility dog as well. She seems to especially love the tunnel and chute.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My baby girl is becoming a woman.

If you guessed that Famke started her first heat you are right! I noticed last week that she was acting a little different and had a little bit of swelling. She started bleeding on Saturday and wow it sure is fun...umm not. We were lucky that Jackson's older underwear actually fit Famke perfectly so she has been sporting Lightening McQueen and Wall-E briefs. Unfortunately, Falkor things the underwear are a super fun toy and loves to pull Famke nearly off the ground by the waistband. :) So I spend a lot of time putting the underwear back on again and again. Famke has been acting totally normal otherwise and I am very interested to see if act differently as her cycle continues.

I'm bummed that we had to stop the intermediate obedience class we were taking at the club. She is doing so well! But we can train and home and we'll get back into class soon.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Blog Slacker!!

Wow I have been a neglectful blogger here on wee Famke's blog!! We haven't been doing anything too exciting but we are continuing on with our obedience classes and having a blast. Famke is such a happy lil dog to train and she just loves to learn. Last night was the graduation from our Beginners class and we did a few fun games and contests to demonstrate everything the dogs have learned. We had 3 Beginner's classes combined for graduation last night so there were about 30 dogs there I think. One of the contests was having the dogs sit at heel when we halted during heeling. They gradually weeded the group down by taking away leash corrections, voice commands, treats and hand signals. At the end you couldn't do or say anything to get your dog to sit except to halt. Famke was such a good girl and was actually the last dog remaining at the end!! Woo-Hoo! :)

We are still working on her wanting to do silly puppy sits, but man she plops down that little bum quick! They also had longest sit stay and Famke lasted for a long time until one of the instructors walked over and attempted to pet her...she jumped up and kissed the instructor on the lips. LOL

Last weekend was our huge local dog show at the Des Moines Fair Grounds and on Sunday our local club did a Meet the Breed booth and I signed up to bring Famke there. The building they have the show in is HUGE and very loud, crowded and hectic. Famke strolled right in without a care in the world and was thrilled to get treats and attention from strangers wanting to know about Field Spaniels. She was such a good girl and we both had a great time.

Our local obedience club will be holding a CGC/TDI test in November and I plan to enter Famke in that test. It is right after her first birthday so it is perfect timing since the dogs have to be a year to certify for TDI.

I am so happy that fall is here and now we can enjoy spending time playing and training outside!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Meg and Famke is the show ring!

Here is a video clip of Famke and Meg at the Iowa City Show a few weeks back.

Slacking on my blogging!!

I have been awful about updating my blogs, (yet again!), and I'm trying to get back on track here! My baby girl is 8 months old already and somehow gets cuter with each passing day. And it's a good thing because she has a naughty side and she is also doing the typical adolescent pushing the limits stuff.

Since I posted last Famke has been in her first two conformation shows!! I am so very proud of how she has been doing. Especially since I am a terrible dog Mom and I have put almost zero effort into training conformation. We've focused much more on obedience training and since I am such a conformation newbie I should be doing a lot more with that training! Famke was such a good girl at her very first show and was happy, attentive, and showed quite well. I really just wanted for her first experience to be a good one and it really was. It was the very first time in the conformation ring for us both and it was fun! We didn't do any winning but it was still a great time. Thank goodness that our best friend Shannon is always so helpful and kind enough to help me with grooming and getting Famke lookin' all fancy. :)

Our second show was in the same town that two of Famke's breeders (Meg and Kay) live and one of her breeders, Meg, had contacted me before the show and asked if I had any interest in having her show Famke that weekend. I thought it was a great opportunity for me to be able to watch Famke in the ring, and for Famke to get used to someone other and me showing her. It was so cute because Famke was so excited to see both Meg and Kay. Famke showed beautifully for Meg and it was really fun to be able to watch from outside the ring. It was another great experience for Famke and she got a point on both Saturday and Sunday so my baby girl has her first two points! :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sleep Over Party!!

Famke taking a brief wrestling break.

Famke..."Haha I got your ear!!"

Tired pups with curled tongues.

Cola getting ready to launch!

Last weekend we had Famke's sister, Cola, over for the night and the girls had way too much fun. They wrestled and wrestled and wrestled some more. It's so much fun to be able to let the girls play together. Falkor was also in heaven...."You mean I get to play with BOTH girls?!!". He adores them!

The girls played hard the entire time and once it was time to sleep that night they both crashed HARD. Ahhh sleepy puppies are wonderful! :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Enjoying the HOT weather!

Well the hot weather we have been getting in Iowa doesn't seem to bother the dogs one bit. They LOVE to lay out on the deck and sun themselves. Famke's fur will actually get hot to the touch within a few minutes and I have to literally drag them back in the house. I snapped a few pics of them sun bathing together.

Slip N Slide Fun

Last weekend I bought my son Jackson a Slip N Slide and the dogs love it just as much as he does! Famke had so much fun biting the water that shoots out the sides and within about 5 minutes she was completely soaked! After both dogs were thoroughly wet they ran around the yard like crazies and took turns jumping back into the water. I can't wait to find a place to take Famke swimming this summer!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Field Spaniel's make nice pillows!

I caught this very sweet moment between Falkor and Famke the other day. Falkor was using her as a pillow and he was quickly falling asleep as I was snapping the photo. I am just thrilled with how great they are together. The play together all the time and it is a riot to watch Famke egg Falkor on and try to get him to chase her outside. I remember when I first brought her home and he was overwhelmed when Falkor would run in the backyard. Now she LOVES it.

And like Lindsay over at Life with Big Dogs I have a full blown collar obsession now. I have always enjoyed finding cool collars but there aren't loads of them for a giant boy dog like there are for small girl dogs. :) I am also fully embracing my girlie foo-foo side and I am loving finding girlie collars for Famke. I found a really nice leather collar with copper and gold embossed flowers on it at TJ Maxx for $4! They also had a gorgeous pink leather "Life is Good" collar but it was ginormous, and I don't think Falkor would appreciate a pink collar. He's just not a pink guy. ;)

I have been practicing with Famke trying to get her ready for conformation (even though I am a total newbie) and she is coming along with it. She does pretty well letting me stack her although her gaiting leaves a lot to be desired. LOL She thinks gaiting is wooo-hooo lets run around like a nut on the end of a leash. We have a fun match at the end of the month and it will be fun to play show dog with her there.

I think we will also be entering the Fort Dodge trial in June in conformation so that will be quite interesting I am sure.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Pretty New Collar

Hi found this really cute UpCountry collar for Famke at a local doggy store. I just wish it was a little bit wider so you could really see in on her neck. She looks awfully cute in it though. :)

Poor Lil Buzzed Head

I tried to get a good shot of poor Famke's bald spot but I couldn't get one that really showed it. In the photo I took you can sort of see is the darker spot on her head. Her fur grows really fast though and it is already filling in. :)

Famke had a fun filled weekend with me and her brother Falkor at the dog show in Waterloo. She was such a doll at the show and everyone that met her instantly fell in love. The show site was like an exciting adventure for her and she loved meeting all the new people and dogs. We practiced some obedience at the show site and she was so animated and clearly enjoying herself.

This weekend also included her first hotel stay. She did awesome and nothing phased her! The glass elevator we had to take to get to our room didn't bother her one bit. There were lots of people staying at the hotel with their dogs for the show and the random barking and dog tags jiggling down the hall also didn't bother her. And she really enjoyed curling up on the bed with Falkor and me and watching TV. What a good girl!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Oh for the LOVE!!!

And this is why up until now I have never had a dog you had to actually groom!

Poor attempts to get her all ready to meet some dear friends at a dog show this weekend, I buzzed a freaking bald spot on the top of her head. ACKK!!!! Needless to say I need some practice using the clippers.

At least I can laugh at myself and Famke has no idea that anything is amiss. :)

In happier news, I brought her a new UpCountry collar yesterday at the Brown Dog Bakery and it is SO freaking cute. I will snap some pics (along with the dreaded bald spot) and post them later today.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fun With Family

Last weekend Famke and I went along with Shannon, Cola, and our friend Julie and her adorable boxers, Winston and Jaynie to an obedience and Rally trial in the Amanas. Meg and Kay came up with the Fieldie family including Famke's littermates, Gideon and Elle. The pups had big fun romping in the grass outside in the beautiful weather. I have some video of the pups playing and I am trying to figure out how to get it up on the blog here.

Puppy Playtime

Enjoying the sunshine

Famke was enjoying the beautiful sunshine we've been having lately and she was stretched out relaxing on the kitchen floor soaking up the rays. She is such a pretty girl!

"This is my puppy Famke"

Like I've said before Jackson ADORES Famke and loves to tell anyone and everyone about her. When we take her places Jackson walks up to every person and says "This is my puppy Famke and she is a Field Spaniel". LOL The feeling is quite mutual and it's a lot of fun watching them grow up together.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

So In Love

Like I mentioned earlier on this blog I instantly fell in love with Famke the second I met her at Pheasant Fest. Honestly how could you not fall in love with that face??!! But I continue to love her more with each day! She is a such a special pup. She fit so easily into our family and it feels like she has always been here. We have a powerful connection and she is so much fun. We have started two different session of puppy class and Famke just blows me away. She LOVES learning and is a blast to train.

I feel incredibly lucky to have Famke in my life and I really look forward to what the future holds for us!

Jackson's First Famke Photo

Jackson has been all about taking pics with my camera lately and he snapped this photo of Famke which I thought was really cute. Famke and Jackson simply adore each other and it is so much fun watching them interact.

Dirty Puppy!

A few weeks ago the sassy sisters (Famke and her sister Cola) were lucky enough to be able to have their first romp in the wilderness. Shannon and I laid cross track for our obedience club's TDX test and after all the dogs were done tracking we took the girls out in the field and let them romp. They ran through grass and weeds and bushes and the most fun was the little creek we came upon. The girls charged into the water and chased in and out and all around through the icky mud. They were FILTHY which of course means they had big fun.

Shannon was kind enough to volunteer to bath both of the dirty girlies at her house afterward. You can see how dirty the bottom of the tub is right after we put Famke in. She was a very good girl for her bath and she smelled SO good afterward. I have since gone out and bought some yummy smelling doggy shampoo. :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Famke's Big Brother

Famke was a little bit overwhelmed by Falkor when we first brought her home. I think that her reaction was very understandable seeing that he outweighs her by about 130lbs! Falkor was beyond excited when Famke came home and he wanted to play soooo badly. Famke was overwhelmed by his enthusiasm but she would play if he was on the floor and she was on the couch. Well all that changed last week and now Famke has become the queen and she lays the smack down on Falkor (who loooooves it by the way!).

They wrestle and play like wild banshees. It is quite the site to see!

A Puppy and Her Boy

Famke and Jackson have become fast friends. Jackson tells anyone that will listen about "his" new puppy. He loves playing with her and she is thrilled to have a boy of her own with so much energy. They are so sweet together. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get any good pics of them really snuggling because they both rarely sit still long enough for me to catch it!

I did get some cute pics of them together. :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

It's a Ruff Life

If cuddling was an event at the Olympics, Famke would be a gold medal winner for sure! She looooves to cuddle and snuggle. She will lay on her back in the crook of my arm and fall asleep while I play on the computer. It is so sweet.

And that pink belly is just too much!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Fun With My Sister

Last week we finally had some beautiful mild weather and Shannon and I took Famke and Cola to Petco for some socializing and then we let them tear around Shannon's amazing backyard. The girls were in heaven chasing and romping through the snow and wrestling together. I took about a billion pics and only a few turned out because they didn't stop moving for more than a few seconds. :)


I am just thrilled to introduce our newest little furbaby, Famke! She is THE sweetest little Field Spaniel that was born on November 17, 2009. She has only been with us for two weeks and we are completely head over heels in love with her. We had been thinking about adding a Field Spaniel to our family for a while now and we were SO very lucky to find out about Famke and get the chance to welcome her into our home and hearts.

I met Famke for the first time two weeks ago at Pheasant Fest in Des Moines and the second I held her in my arms I just fell in love. I was also able to meet two of her amazing co-breeders, her Momma Georgie, her Auntie Bug, her adorable littermates and two other very kind Field owners and their wonderful Field Spaniels. On Saturday night after Pheasant Fest we went to my best friend Shannon's house (she has three Field Spaniels, including Famke's sister Cola) and we had 11 Field Spaniels there!! It was a blast.

I was really amazed by how well Famke and her littermates did at Pheasant Fest. It is a HUGE trade show event that offers a wide variety of exhibits, seminars, dog training events and youth attractions. There had to be 1000's of people and the pups loved meeting tons of people and weren't much phased by the crowds and noise. It was an amazing socialization opportunity!

Here are some pics of our very first meeting.