Friday, July 1, 2011

Such a Bad Dog Mom!!!

How have I not updated this blog since January!!!?? I'm a terrible dog Mom. Good thing that Famke can't get on the computer and see how neglectful I've been! ;)

Famke is a year and a half already and just cute and sweet as can be. She is such a fun dog and we've been having a blast!

We've been to a few more conformation shows and Famke now has 6 points towards her championship. It is very exciting for me and she absolutely LOVES showing. I plan to just show her sparingly for the next year so she can mature a bit. Now that we are out of the 12-18 month class she looks very puppyish next to the more mature bitches. We went to a supported entry show in Toledo in June and there were 25 Field Spaniels entered!! It was such a treat to see that many Fieldies in one place.

We have been concentrating heavily on obedience training and we are both enjoying it. I am hoping to trial a bit here in the next few months and finish Famke's Rally Novice title and Beginner's Novice title at the Field Spaniel National in September. I think it is an achievable goal. I am SO excited about the National coming up. It will be my first National for any breed and I can't wait!

Here are a few pics of Famke that my best friend Shannon took for us at a show.